
Knitting stitches.

Roman stitch.

Row 1: Knit.
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: *Knit 1, purl 1. Repeat from * across.
Row 4: *Purl 1, knit 1. Repeat from * across.
Repeat these four rows for pattern.
An alternative way to work this pattern is to knit rows 1 and 3, purl rows 2 and 4 and knit the alternating knit and purl rows as rows 5 and 6. Both are attractive.

I am not sure that this is

Daisy stitch

, but I call it like that.
CO 33 stitches.
Row 1: K all stitches.
Row 2: P1, P3tog leave on left needle, wrap yarn around right needle, P3tog (these are the same 3 you purled before. Repeat from * to * till 1 stitch remains. P1.
Row 3: K all stitches.
Row 4: P3, P3tog leave on left needle, wrap yarn around right needle, P3tog (these are the same 3 you purled before. P1. Repeat from * to * till 3 stitches remain. P3.

Daisy stitch.

(multiple of 4 sts plus 1)
DS (daisy stitch) P3tog, but do not let the 3 sts fall from LH needle, wind yarn around RH needle over top and back to front again, then p the same 3 sts tog again and let fall from needle.
Rows 1 and 3 (RS) Knit.
Row 2 K1, *work DS over next 3 sts, k1; rep from * to end.
Row 4 K1, p1, k1, *work DS over next 3 sts, k1; rep from *, end p1, k1.
Rep rows 1-4.
Repeat rows 1-4 to measure finished length. BO by alternating K, k2tog. This will make a straight edge. If every stitch is bound off the edge will scallop.


  1. Beautiful patterns! Especially I liked the second one).

  2. Came from etsy, you might be interested in The Walker Treasury Project, lots of cool patterns to look at there.

  3. Very nice work. Looks far too complicated for me to try though.


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