Typical grill Argentina

Preheat the grill.
Meanwhile, get the steaks ready. Trim off and discard any excess fat from their edges. Rub both sides of each steak all over with the cut side of garlic clove half, first rubbing it repeatedly and firmly against the bone to puree the garlic, and then spreading the garlic all over the meat. Drizzle the olive oil all over both sides of the steaks and gently rubs it into the meat, making sure it is spread evenly. Leave the steaks at room temperature while the fire continues to heat up.
When the grill is ready, carefully oil the grill rack. Season the steaks generously on both sides with salt and black pepper to taste. Grill the steaks, turning them once, until done to your liking, about 10 minutes for medium.

Transfer the steaks to individual serving plates and immediately squeeze a lemon half over each steak before eating.
All you need to complete the meal is a mixed green salad dressed with virgin olive oil and lemon juice, and a baked potato or grilled potatoes, and grilled corn on the cob.
Ingredients for
sauce Chimichurri:
Olive oil: 1 / 2 cup
Vinegar: 1 / 2 cup
Onion: 1 / 2 cup (chopped)
Garlic: 1 tsp (chopped)
Parsley 1 / 4 cup
Oregano: 1 teaspoon
Aji: 1 / 4 teaspoon (grind)
Salt: 1 1 / 4 teaspoon
Black pepper: 1 teaspoon

Salad can be so:

thank you for shared!
yami it's look tasty!
Looks amazing! I'm already hungry!
Fantastic! Delicious! Thank you very much!
I'm jealous :) Looks so yummy !
Wonderful post, thank you for sharing the chimichurri recipe!
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